Age and Driving

Age and Driving

It's normal for driving skills to change as we age. But if you spot the warning signs of unsafe driving, these tips can help you adjust to your old age without the keys.

How does age affect driving?

For many of us, driving is an important aspect of maintaining our independence as we age. By reducing risk factors and incorporating safe driving practices, you may be able to continue driving safely into old age. But even if you find that you need to reduce your driving or give up your keys, it doesn't mean the end of your independence.

Everyone ages differently, so there's no arbitrary limit as to when someone should stop driving. However, older adults are more likely to receive traffic tickets and get into accidents than younger drivers. What causes this increase? As we age, factors such as decreased vision, impaired hearing, slower motor reflexes, and worsening health conditions can become a problem.

Aging also tends to result in reduced strength, coordination and flexibility, which can affect your ability to control a car safely. For example:

— Neck pain or stiffness may make it harder to look over the shoulder.

— Leg pain can make it difficult for your foot to move from the accelerator to the brake pedal.

— Decreased arm strength can make it difficult to turn the steering wheel quickly and effectively.

— Your reaction times may slow down with age.

— You may lose the ability to effectively divide your attention between multiple activities.

You may have driven your entire life and take pride in your safety record, but as you age, it's critical that you realize that your ability to drive can change. You might be surprised or overwhelmed at the prospect of losing some of your independence, but if you keep your mind open to new possibilities, you can still maintain an active, vibrant, and rewarding lifestyle without a car.

Seeking alternative methods of transportation can offer social and health benefits, as well as a welcome change in pace of life. It can even prolong other aspects of your independence.

Safety Tips for Older Drivers

Aging not automatically equates to the total loss of driving ability. There are many things you can do to continue driving safely, such as modifying your car, altering the way you drive, and addressing any physical issues that may interfere with driving.

Warning signs of unsafe driving in older people

Sometimes, signs of dangerous driving may appear gradually, or a recent change in health may worsen problems. Even if the individual warning signs seem minor, together they can add up to a substantial risk.

Watch for these warning signs on older drivers:

Frequent nearby arrivals (i.e., nearly crashing), dents and scrapes on the car or on fences, mailboxes, garage doors, and curbs.

Increase in citations, traffic tickets or “warnings” from traffic officers or police officers.

Problems with the fundamentals of driving, such as making sudden lane changes,

stray into other lanes and brake or accelerate suddenly for no reason. Other examples include not using the turn signal or keeping the signal on without changing lanes.

Vision problems such as not seeing traffic lights and traffic signs, or having to drive closer and closer to them to see them clearly.

Hearing problems how not to hear emergency sirens or the horn.

Problems with memory, including missed exits that used to be second nature or were often lost. While everyone has occasional lapses, if there's an increasing pattern, it's time for a doctor to evaluate it.

Problems with reflexes and range of motion, such as not reacting quickly enough if you need to brake suddenly or look back quickly, confusing the accelerator and brake pedals, getting nervous while driving, or getting angry quickly when behind the wheel.

If you need to hand over the keys

Adjusting to life without a car can be a challenge at first. It's normal to feel frustrated, angry, or irritable. You may even feel embarrassed or worried about losing your independence. However, it takes a lot of courage to stop driving and put your safety and that of others first.

You may even find that living without a car has benefits. Saving money on the cost of car ownership can pay for alternative transportation, such as using a taxi or shuttle service. Walking more can improve your health. Not only is exercise good for your body, it can help you improve your mind, mood, sleep, energy, and memory. Accepting trips from others can expand your social circle. Try offering a friend or neighbor money for gas, or bartering for other tasks, such as cooking a meal in exchange for your friend driving. You can enjoy life much more if you live it at a slower pace without the stress of driving.

The more options you have for driving, the easier the adjustment will be. You want to make sure that you can go out not only for the essentials, such as doctor's appointments, but also for social visits and to maintain your hobbies and interests. Explore public transportation, ride-sharing options, community transportation for the elderly, and taxi services or mobile apps like Uber and Lyft.

This can also be a time to evaluate your living situation. If you're in an isolated area with few transportation options, consider moving to an area with more options or research different living options for seniors.

How to Talk to an Older Adult About Unsafe Driving

Driving safety can be a sensitive issue for older drivers. A driver's license means more than the ability to drive a car; it's a symbol of freedom and self-reliance.

If you are in a position to talk to an older friend or family member about driving, remember the following:

Be respectful. Driving is often an integral part of independence. At the same time, don't be intimidated or back down if you have a real concern.

Give specific examples. Instead of generalizations such as “You can no longer drive safely,” describe specific concerns you may have noticed. For example: “He has a harder time turning his head than before” or “He braked suddenly at stop signs three times the last time we drove.”

Find strength in numbers. If more than one family member or close friend has noticed, they're less likely to take it as a nuisance. A loved one can also listen to a more impartial party, such as a doctor or driving specialist.

It helps to find alternatives. The person may be so used to driving that they have never considered alternatives. You can offer specific help, such as looking for transportation options or offering trips when possible.

He understands the difficulty of the transition. Your loved one may experience a deep sense of loss after handing over the keys, and not being able to drive can lead to isolation and depression. Try to help with the transition as much as possible. If it's safe, try to get the older person to stop driving slowly so they have time to adjust. For example, your loved one may begin the transition by stopping driving at night or on highways, or using a shuttle service for specific appointments, such as a doctor's appointment.
