• Tuberculosis test

    Tuberculosis test

    What is tuberculosis? To know more about the tuberculosis test, we must first start knowing the disease. Tuberculosis (abbreviated TB or TB), alternatively and historically called tuberculosis, is a contagious bacterial infection that mainly affects the lungs, but can spread to other organs. The most important and representative bacterial species causing tuberculosis is Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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  • Consequences of badly healed injuries

    Consequences of badly healed injuries

    Curing injuries correctly and permanently is important for health. The badly healed injuries carry a series of consequences that are prolonged over time, requiring a greater amount of treatments and, therefore, dependence on health services, orthopedics or physiotherapy that can be extended indeterminately. What are the most recurrent injuries and their causes? Regarding errors in

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  • Ten foods that harm our health

    Ten foods that harm our health

    Our body depends on what we eat, and not all foods bring us benefits, as some are harmful to health. Do you know what these foods are and why should not you include them in your diet? 1. Sausages The sausages such as pork ham, “longaniza,” salami, and mortadella are foods with a high content

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  • What celebrates the United States on July 4?

    What celebrates the United States on July 4?

     Independence Day. In the spring of 1775, after more than a decade of turmoil against English policies, the 13 American colonies sent representatives to the first Continental Congress held in Philadelphia. After much debate about cutting ties with Britain, the representatives voted unanimously for independence on July 2, 1776. The next day, in a letter

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  • Flag Day

    Flag Day

    This Friday, June 14, is Flag Day in the United States. Although it is not a federal holiday, the day is dedicated to Americans recognizing the importance of the flag and its place in the history of the country. It was not always like that the flag. In its more than 240 years of history,

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  • Food that takes care of your kidneys

    Food that takes care of your kidneys

    If we take into account that the main function of the kidneys is the elimination of waste substances from the body through urine and that these are generated mainly from the food we eat every day, imagine how important is the diet to care these organs. And not only that, the main enemies of the

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  • Día internacional de la Danza

    Día internacional de la Danza

    El Día Internacional de la Danza se celebra a nivel mundial cada 29 de abril desde 1982. ¿A quién se le ocurre esta iniciativa y qué pretende celebrar? Te lo explicamos todo en este post. ¿Quién cumple años el 29 de abril? El Día Internacional de la Danza no está escogido al azar, sino que corresponde a

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  • ¿Qué comer para tener una buena vista?

    ¿Qué comer para tener una buena vista?

    La vista es uno de los sentidos más importantes del ser humano. Según un estudio realizado, el 80 por ciento de las sensaciones que reconocemos las percibimos a través de los ojos. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) estima que en el año 2020 la cifra de personas con discapacidad visual podría rondar los 360

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  • Día Mundial de la Salud

    Día Mundial de la Salud

    El próximio 7 de abril festejamos el Día Mundial de la Salud En 1948 la Primera Asamblea Mundial de la Salud, máximo órgano de decisiones de la OMS, propuso que se estableciera el Día Mundial de la Salud. En este día se conmemoraría la fundación de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). La OMS es el organismo

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  • Aleyda Ortiz nos presenta a Eva

    Aleyda Ortiz nos presenta a Eva

    En esta pequeña entrevista Aleyda Ortiz nos presenta a Eva Verdugo. Eva recientemente cumplió nada menos que 100 años y está muy feliz por pertenecer a Cínica Las Mercedes.

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